NY Cabinetry

Based in New York, NY Cabinetry has been supplying wholesale kitchen cabinets for numerous residential and commercial projects. We are known for a wide range of styles including classical, transitional, and modern, all made with exquisite detail and highest quality materials. We can also build cabinets according to specific desires and budgets with custom door styles and finishes.


What We Offer

Our cabinetry is expertly manufactured in the United States by a great team of designers and engineers. With careful attention to aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability, our cabinetry is meant to provide comfort and joy for its users.


Assist you to find your taste
Introduce the latest trends
Guide to make a right decision


Take on-site measurement
Design based on your own needs
Provide floor plans, elevations, and perspectives


Manufacture in New Jersey, USA
Use strong soft closing hardware
Build durable and beautiful products


Our newest door style

Door Details
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